A small software development studio that develops zero-knowledge proof based cryptographic note protocols for EVM compatible blockchains.

<aside> 🚀 Hosting Phase-2 Ceremonies for Groth-16 Proving Systems at snarkyceremonies.com. Contributions are anonymous. To host your ceremony, send email to info.zkptech at pm.me


What are crypto notes?

Encoded secrets! We like to store them in QR codes! A crypto note stores a number that is used compute a commitment which is stored on-chain. To prove we know the origin of the commitment, we use succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge that are verified on-chain.


<aside> 💡 This tech provides the basis of the many implementations we are working on.


Bunny Notes - A crypto note protocol



Visit the App:

Bunny Notes

<aside> 💡 Second place winner of Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 in the DeFi category! Thank you Tron Dao for funding my crypto note research!



The notes are verifiable claims to withdraw value that was deposited into smart contracts.

<aside> 🚀 Launched on Mainnet!


A bridge to the off-chain world with ZKP